Our Violet classes are for pre-schoolers! Full of fun and energy, these classes are not only entertaining for children but often an opportunity for parents or grandparents to spend some quality time with their little ones, doing a physical activity that isn’t weather dependent. But in reality, the classes have a method to their frivolity and offer children so much more than just a fun activity.
“The Violet classes were honestly an after-thought. Our classes for 4 years and older were going swimmingly well and parents were starting to ask for toddler level classes. We had absolutely no idea how much they would be loved by both little ones and their parents” says Kally Peigne, found of Betty Bloom Dance
So we started organically, realising attention spans were going to be very short indeed! Developing a lesson plan that maintains interest and attention is all very well, but we also delved into the National pre-school curriculum as well as obtaining information in toddler development psychology. These vital attributes were wrapped in sugar (figuratively) and been integrated into our toddler classes!

Therefore as well as a lot of fun and exercise, the skills can be categorised into the following areas: an introduction to structured learning,; physical development skills; mental, emotional and social skills.
In effect, the children learn the following:
- Structure and very early form of discipline so that the little ones learn to recognise and learn to take part in an organised activity
- Listening and understanding instructions from a teacher, ie someone who is not a parent
- To build on skills of body isolations and coordination of individual body parts, ie arm, leg, hand, shoulder, knee movements
- Understanding musicality, listening to and moving with the music, and being able to coordinate ourselves to the rhythm of the music
- Expression work - to recognise and understand different expressions in a fun, safe and relaxed environment
- The ability to use a prop to enhance coordination and build a further complex layer of ability
- To voluntarily coordinate the use of two or three different physical actions at the same time, eg arms, legs and faces
- To be able to sit in a social environment and take turns, be respectful of others, and learn to enjoy group focused activities
- Prepping for more organised and formal dance lessons later
On a final note – it was VITAL that we included parents in these classes! Not only do we LOVE having parents dance along with us but we could not think of a better, relaxed, informal and fun way to introduce dance to a small child.
Parents and toddlers – we welcome you to experience our classes!